
这座桥 is the campus homepage for the Carthage community. 这是你的伟德手机APP和公告中心, 以及通往OneLogin的桥梁, 工作日, Schoology, 以及其他校园资源.

这座桥 includes more stories, events, and links to campus resources than the 外部bv伟德ios下载学院主页, which is intended for prospective students and first-time visitors to Carthage.edu. bv伟德ios下载发生了很多伟大的事情. 这座桥 collects all this great news in one easy-to-browse website.

这座桥 email roundup is sent by email to all Carthage faculty, staff, and current students. 这座桥 email roundup is sent every Monday, 周三, and Friday during the school year. 在夏季, 我们可能每周只发送一次桥的电子邮件, 在星期三, 根据伟德手机APP. 这座桥 email roundup is not sent during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Spring breaks.



Any member of the Carthage community can submit stories to 这座桥. 只要去 www.bv伟德ios下载.edu/bridge/submit and select whether you want to submit a news story or event. You’ll need to log in with your Carthage username and password. 然后只需填写表格并点击“提交”.”

If you are a faculty or staff member, your story or event will be published immediately. 如果你是一个学生, your story or event will be published after it is approved by a moderator in the Office of Marketing & 通信.

新闻报道发表于 这座桥网站, and appear in the section you select as the story’s category (i.e. 艺术,学生新闻,教师新闻 & 工作人员等.). 新闻 stories are also included in 这座桥 email roundups. 事件发布到 bv伟德ios下载主历法. The next 10 upcoming campus events are listed toward the bottom of 这座桥 email.

是的. All stories published to 这座桥 will include your name.

不总是这样,也不是马上. 这座桥是一个以社区为基础的系统, meaning that submitters are the ones ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information they post. 这座桥 moderators ensure that the content of 桥 stories adheres to College policies, 我们可能会修改你提交的作品的风格, 澄清, 或者在bv伟德ios下载网站的其他地方发布, but we typically do not fact-check or copy edit your submissions.

The email roundup automatically includes all stories posted since the last roundup. 桥的邮件将于周一发出, 周三, and Friday (and possibly just 在星期三 during the summer months). If you would like your story to be part of a specific roundup, you must submit it before that day.



最好同时提交事件和新闻报道. 提交 an event as soon as you know all of the details, even if your event is months away. That way it will be on the bv伟德ios下载主历法 for everyone to see. 提交 a news story about the upcoming event 2-7 days in advance. This way, your story will be included in 这座桥 email closer to the date of your event.

桥 Top Stories are selected by the Office of Marketing & 通信. Users may request that their story be featured by contacting the 桥 moderators at bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu. Top 桥 Stories must have a photo; send yours to bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu. 请注意,版主可以收到许多请求, 我们可能无法容纳所有人.

发送您的图像作为 .jpg, bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu, along with a caption and the headline of the article you just submitted. Please be sure to tell us that you have the rights to publish the photo. 桥团队会尽快添加您的照片, 只要照片是适合网站的.

No, but you should send this request to the 桥 team at bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu. Just send us a nice email telling us the headline of your article and the date you would like it to run again. We want the stories in 这座桥 to stay fresh, so we won’t be able to accommodate every request. But we do try to republish stories about events once per week until the event, 只是为了提醒人们它正在发生.

We totally understand this request, and we love your enthusiasm for promoting your event! 但不幸的是, 如果我们每篇报道都这么做, the 桥 email would be ridiculously long and ridiculously repetitive. People would stop reading it, and that’s bad for all of us. Our policy is to republish event-related 桥 stories once per week, 在适当的时候, and we 总是 aim to republish one more time on the day of/day before your event.

发送电子邮件至 bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu. 我们会尽快更正的.



容易! 了解校园里正在发生的事情. All you need to do is pop open the 桥 email every Monday, 周三, and Friday. 花点时间浏览一下头条. 点击任何你感兴趣或与你有关的. 扫描,点击,阅读,了解. 就是这么简单.

是的. 人们读《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》. 桥团队经常对校园社区进行调查. 以下是我们最近对桥梁调查的一些事实:

  • 83% of Carthage students 阅读这座桥电子邮件 at least once a week.
  • 62%的学生回答说他们 总是 阅读这座桥电子邮件.
  • 65%的新生回答说他们 总是 阅读这座桥电子邮件.
  • 82% of freshmen 阅读这座桥电子邮件 at least once a week.
  • 82% of students say 这座桥 email is the best way to share campus news with them.
  • 65%的教职员工说他们 总是 阅读这座桥电子邮件.
  • 89% of faculty/staff 阅读这座桥电子邮件 at least once per week.
  • 75% of faculty/staff members say 这座桥 email is the best way to share campus news with them.



  • Solicitation and advertising of for-profit activities are not appropriate for 这座桥.
  • Please do not post stories about items you have for sale, real estate, or rent.
  • Notifications about students missing upcoming classes due to athletics, 实地考察旅行, 会议, 或其他活动不应提交给桥梁. Sports-related absences will be communicated to a student’s professors directly.
  • Any stories that use vulgar language, are nonsensical, or are attacking in any way will be removed.
  • 桥 editors use their judgment about what is appropriate and not appropriate for publication on 这座桥. 
通过发送您的问题直接询问桥团队 bridge@bv伟德ios下载.edu. Your question will be answered by 桥 editor Jackie Kenny.